I humbly accept your nomination to host The Mosen Explosion

Here we are in this glorious little hiatus between US major party conventions. If you're like me and can't turn them off, but feel the need to decompress before the next one, then join me for four fun-filled hours of music and conversation on the Mosen Explosion Party.

Here is our Mosen Explosion party platform, adopted by acclamation when I clapped my hands to applaud it.

The food and beverages of your choice are completely, utterly, totally, absolutely free of charge as long as you bring them yourself.

You can request absolutely any song you want and be assured without question that I will play it, unless I don't have it or don't like it.

Not a single, solitary disparaging remark will be made about anyone or anything. We don't believe in negative campaigning. The one exception is Baker Street by Jerry Rafferty but really, that goes without saying right? We're building a wall to keep that song out.

We pledge to bring you a Bonnie bulletin of substance and quality, unless she's washing her hair that day.

And, my friends, let me be clear as I stand before you tonight, we'll demonstrate that the world has learned from history, unless it hasn't.

As you can tell, the Mosen Explosion party platform is as cast-iron, specific, and water tight as any other you're likely to find. So I hope you're with me, as we make the 'Shroom explode again. It will be unbelievable, that I can tell you.
It's right after Dean's Sofa Session at 2 Pm Eastern, 7 pM UK. So tune your conscience to Mushroom FM.