JonathanMosen's blog

This weekend on Mosen At Large, cochlea implants, blind culture, how to get pro audio into Clubhouse, dating blind and much more

Kia ora Mosen At Largers.

Because of your contributions, it looks like we have another thought-provoking show coming up for you this weekend. I am very grateful that we seemed to have created a safe space where people know they are going to be heard and can discuss complex and sometimes difficult issues.

This weekend on Mosen At Large, feedback on Accessibility overlays, and do you think there is such a thing as a blind culture?

Kia ora Mosen At Largers.

As always, I’m really looking forward to being back with you for another episode where our community discusses a wide range of topics through a blindness lens. Let’s take a look at some of the topics coming up.

Following our special on accessibility overlays, we have several thoughtful listener comments on the subject. If you have thoughts to share after listening to the episode, feel free.

North America is springing forward this weekend

It's the time of year again, well, one of them, where the times of your favourite Mushroom FM shows may change. We had to pick a time zone, so when we founded Mushroom FM in 2010, we picked North American Eastern time. Daylight saving begins there this weekend.

On Clubhouse? Join the Mushroom FM Club to connect with some of your favourite fun guys

It's true! Clubhouse is hot, so naturally the hottest station for four decades of magic Mushroom memories is there.

If you're a part of this audio social network currently for iPhone only, join the new Mushroom FM club for exclusives with some of the fun guys. Hang out and say hi, participate in special sessions about topics relating to the four decades we cover, join extra Mosen At Large discussions, go behind the scenes of some of your favourite shows and much more.

To join, just point your iPhone at this link with the Clubhouse app installed.

This weekend on Mosen At Large, two different visions for the future of web accessibility. Are technologies like AccessiBe the answers to our accessibility problem, or making the problem worse?

Kia ora Mosen At Largers.

This week, we have an important show with a difference. It’s different because it’s possible depending on the number of listener contributions that one topic will consume the entire three hours. If you’re thinking it must be an important topic to warrant that kind of scrutiny, you’d be right.

Normal service resumes

Thanks so much for your patience during the outage, we're back up and running again.

Mushroom streams are down at present

Unfortunately Mushroom Fm and Escape are down at present due to an outage with our server provider. They are communicating with us and aware of the issue, but at present we have no estimate as to when service will be restored.

We apologise for the issue and will let you know when we get more information.

For most of the world, Mushroom FM is back on Apple Music

We're delighted to let you know that following recent changes we've made, Mushroom FM is back on Apple Music everywhere except the UK. This means that once again, on Siri-enabled devices you can simply say "Play Mushroom FM", and Apple Music will stream it for you.

Sadly, the UK is an exception. This is because Apple Music has licensed TuneIn to offer third-party streams, and legal action has required TuneIn to block all streams outside the UK for UK listeners.

For the rest of the world, we hope you're as pleased to have us back on Apple Music as we are to be back there.

Join the conversation. Your blind date with Mosen At Large isn't far away

Kia ora Mosen At Largers.

A brief comment from one of our listeners has already prompted some very interesting discussion about blind people dating. I realise this can be a personal subject, so if you’d like to write a contribution on it and don’t want your name read out, just let me know in the subject or the first line of the message. You have my word that I will honour your confidentiality request. If we feel safe to talk about this openly, I think we’ll get a fascinating range of experiences and perspectives.

Listening to Mushroom FM: some changes we're making


Mushroom FM has moved to a new server for broadcasting to you. This is a bit like a terrestrial radio station changing frequency. We are transmitting on both the old and new virtual frequencies at the moment, but soon the old one will stop working, so it's important to read this post to see whether you need to do anything, most people will not. This post starts with the most common scenarios and gets more technical as we move to less common ones, but we believe we've covered all the ways you listen.


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