stevecutway's blog

Autumn songs tonight on The Early Years!

Join me for The Early Years where you'll enjoy the best variety of music from Rock and Roll's Golden Age (its first quarter century) with an occasional nod to other decades including music from before the rock era.

Roy Milton this week on The Juke In The Back!

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

Roy Milton this week on The Juke In The Back!

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

A musical variety tonight on The Early Years!

Join me for The Early Years where you'll enjoy the best variety of music from Rock and Roll's Golden Age (its first quarter century) with an occasional nod to other decades including music from before the rock era.

Big Jay McNeely this week on The Juke In The Back!

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

Big Jay McNeely this week on The Juke In The Back!

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

Remember September tonight on The Early Years!

Join me for The Early Years where you'll enjoy the best variety of music from the 50s and 60s with an nod to other decades, including music from before the rock era which is generally accepted as starting in 1955.

B. B. King this week on The Juke In The Back!

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

B. B. King this week on The Juke In The Back!

The Juke In The Back” focuses on the “soul that came before rock n’ roll,” the records that inspired Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and countless others.

More music from September 1968 tonight on The Early Years!

Join me for The Early Years where you'll enjoy the best variety of music from the 50s and 60s with an nod to other decades, including music from before the rock era which is generally accepted as starting in 1955.
Fifty years ago today, Sept. 16, 1968, I attended my first lecture as a bright-eyed, first-year freshman (called Frosh) at Queen's University in my home town of Kingston, Ontario, Canada. To say I was innocent and naive is an understatement but that quickly changed as I became accustomed to, and embraced university life.


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