sarahillis's blog

We're Groovin' on a Wednesday on The Sara Hillis Show!

Yes, welcome again to the middle of the week! If you're finding it hard to get over that hump and need some amazing tunage and some--well--marginally interesting conversation to get you through, then look no further than The Sara Hillis Show! also, don't forget that it's only a day until another Thankful Thursday! It would be great to hear what you're thankful for. Email or tweet with the Mushroom Fm hashtag, or of course you can always tweet me @sarahillismusic.

It's Another Terific Tuesday on The Sara Hillis Show!

Yes, it's time for yet another addition of The Sara Hillis Show. We've got music from all four decades of magic Mushroom memories as usual, plus musings on everything from South American politics which inspired a broadway musical to what it might be like to be King Midas in reverse. Yes, you never know where we'll go on The Sara Hillis Show, so why not come along for the ride, today at 12:00 PM or 12:00 AM Eastern, and see where the road will take you?

It's Another Musing and Musical Monday Today on The Sara Hillis Show!

Yes, we've started another week and that means it's time for another five days of fun on The Sara Hillis Show. It would be lovely to have you along. Today, we're talking palindromes, singing Debbie Reynolds songs in the shower, and who knows what else? It is the show where anything goes after all.

So, fire up your listening device of choice and check out the craziness that is The Sara Hillis Show with me, Sara Hillis, at 12:00 PM or 12:00 AM Eastern time and get ready for a great time!

We're Getting Back to Basics this Week on Come by the Hills!

Yes, after last week's crazy John Barleycornucopia, it's time to get back to the basics and the fundamentals (aren't those the same thing?) of what we do here on Mushroom FM's premier Celtic music show! (Alright, so it's Mushroom FM's only Celtic music show. Ah well.)We'll be hearing some great music by some great bands, and best of all, our features are all back where they should be.

Tomorrow on The Sara Hillis Show, It's Time to get Freaky on Friday the Thirteenth!

So tomorrow is one of those freaky Fridays that come up several times a year, and we're going to talk on The Sara Hillis Show about all those crazy superstitions to which we often subscribe even if we don't want to. Do you freak out if you spill salt on the table? Do you refuse to walk under ladders? Have you perhaps trained your guide dog to avoid black cats crossing your path? Well, we're going to delve into all these superstitions and more tomorrow!

So, if you're feeling freaky on this Friday the Thirteenth, join me at 12:00 PM and 12:00 AM on The Sara Hillis Show!

Presenting Thankful Thursdays on the Sara Hillis Show!

I've been picking my own brain about possible new features for the Sara Hillis Show in honour of the new week-day format on Mushroom FM, and I've finally thought of something that I think would be a great idea. Every Thursday, I want to focus on gratitude, either my own or that of listeners. I'm going to call it Thankful Thursdays, and it'll take up as much of the show as it will need to. If every voice-break is about some sort of gratitudinous thought, that would be amazing.

Same Sara Hillis Show, New Sara Hillis Times!

Yes, as you most likely have heard somewhere by now, Mushroom FM is making some changes to its week-day schedule. In terms of the Sara Hillis Show, this means that it's moving to 12:00 PM and 12:00 AM eastern time every Monday through Friday. So, you now have two chances to hear two hours of great Mushroom FM music and so-so Sara Hillis banter from yours truly every week-day! I'll be on right after Bonnie and 80s Lady at 11:00 and before Anthony Unleashed at 2:00.

It's a John Barleycornucopia this Week on Come by the Hills!

Well, I've been threatening to do this for a while now, and this week, I've finally decided to do it. It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, a time when we traditionally celebrate the harvest and the bounty of the past summer. I decided that this year, we'd celebrate it by taking a detailed look at likely one of the most widely-recorded English folk songs ever: John Barleycorn.

It's a New Month this Week on Come by the Hills!

Yes, it's October, and we here in my part of Ontario Canada have been enjoying autumnal weather at last. So this week on Come by the Hills, the Celtic Music Show, we'll have songs with an autumnal theme, an October-related song in "Celtic Covers," a newly-minted song in "Me Music," and a whole lot more.

Mushroom FM Presents... The Return of the Sara Hillis Show!

Yes, we're back. Just when you thought it was safe and your sanity had been restored, the craziness that is the Sara Hillis Show is returning in just a few short hours!

I wanted to take the time to thank everyone who sent nice messages during my time away, and to tell you that I'm now back with a vengeance! So, join me at 4:00 PM Eastern every week-day for our usual get-together, and I promise it'll be worth your while!


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